Idle Heroes Tier List Best Characters

6 min readJul 17, 2022


You need to consider their roles, abilities, and tiers when deciding which characters to choose. In addition to their tier list, you need to determine how easy each one is to upgrade. These are just some factors to consider when selecting the best characters in Idle Heroes. This article focuses on Skerei, Phoenix, and Scarlet Queen Hauora. Read on to discover how each character plays in the game.


You’re probably wondering who the best characters in Skerei — Idle Heroes are. The answer may surprise you! While the game itself is pretty chill and not intense, you should still pay attention to the tier lists of the most powerful heroes in the game. It’s essential to build a team that’s both versatile and effective.

Listed below are the top tiers of each character type.

The first tier is made up of the best Heroes of this game. While these Heroes are decent, they have a specific purpose and are therefore not the best choice for every situation. They’re suitable for early gameplay but don’t offer much in the way of versatility. They’re not the best choice if you’re looking for an offensive or disruption hero.

After deciding which character to play, it’s essential to know their tiers. The top characters of the Idle Heroes tier list are those with the most utility. The higher the rank, the better. The lower the position, the less utility you get from the champion. A champion’s utility is measured in terms of its usefulness in PvP and PvE.

When selecting idle heroes, the A-tier heroes are generally the best. These heroes perform exceptionally well and are often the most useful to your team. The B-tier heroes are less powerful but are still worth considering for your team. However, B-tier heroes can be valuable and synergistically useful in battle. However, you can’t have too many A-tier heroes in your group.

Scarlet Queen Halora

The top five heroes in the Idle Heroes video game are Sword Flash Xia, Scarlet Queen Halora, Lord of Fear Aspen, Fairy King Vesa, Drake, and Rogan. These heroes can all be found in the same tier list as Sword Flash Xia, but some are better than others. Read on to learn about each character’s potential in the game and how to make the most of them.

As a ranged damage dealer, the Scarlet Queen is a fantastic player in PVP. She can deal massive damage to enemies while also boosting her teammates. Her active skill, Crimson Abyss, damages all enemies while applying bleed and debuff. Her passive skill, Ultimate Queenship, grants 4% of your maximum health per round. If you play this hero with the proper build, you will be rewarded with excellent PVP performance.

While Scarlet Queen Halora is the most devastating hero in the game, her weaknesses should not prevent you from playing her. It’s just that you should use other characters if you’re having difficulty playing her. She’s not a bad character, but she’s just average. Her weakness can be the difference between winning and losing a match. So it’s best to choose your hero carefully.

As a team, getting a good mix of players is essential. If you play a lot of Idle Heroes, you’ll want to contact an entire team. You can build your team based on specific strengths and weaknesses. But if your team lacks a core group of heroes with good roles, it will be doomed from the start.


If you are looking for Idle Heroes Tier List Best Characters, you have come to the right place. Here you will find information about Sigmund, the great ranged melee healer. In this game, you will form a team of mighty heroes and collect items while you’re AFK. With over 200 different heroes, it can be challenging to know which ones will synergize well with each other.

While tanking is not very meta in Idle Heroes, Sigmund is an excellent tank with solid defensive stats. His passive skill, called “burning pain,” allows him to deal massive damage to enemies while reducing their armor by 30%. His severe injury and defensive stats make him an excellent choice for PvE playstyles. Unlike Tara, however, he doesn’t perform well in PvP.

The Idle Heroes tier list is an essential resource for anyone who plays this game. This list contains the best characters across different tiers and helps you build a solid team. The Idle Heroes Tier List will help you decide which heroes best fit your team composition. Sigmund is an excellent choice for any team composition, as his high DPS makes him a fantastic choice for any role.

Unlike other heroes in this game, Sigmund isn’t necessarily a top performer. He isn’t as good in this list as the higher tiers, but he’s still a solid choice for late-game play. You can also find some B-grade champions to help you gear up for specific skill sets. You can even synergize with your fellow heroes and use their unique talents to your advantage.


If you’re wondering which characters in Phoenix, Idle Heroes are the best, this tier list can help you out. Characters in this tier have good stats and passives but aren’t as powerful as other heroes in the game. They’re also not as good as Heroes in the top tier and are best used in battle when players don’t need to be as powerful.

The Phoenix is a hybrid monster with traits from both a Wolf and a Deer. As a result, he deals decent damage and heals his heroes. Those who play Phoenix should be aware of this before investing in one of his abilities. The best thing about this character is his severe damage and healing stats, so he’s worth considering. Here’s what else you should know about him:

Idle Heroes’ tier list helps build the best teams. You’ll be able to choose your teammates based on your preferred heroes based on their stats and roles. As long as you know the basics of each character, you’ll be able to build a great team. This list is updated regularly, so you can be sure to find a good match.

The S Tier List is the most vital character list in the game. You’ll have no problems using S-Tier characters because they are so powerful. They also have zero weaknesses, which makes them a good choice for new players. On the other hand, the E Tier List is an underdog list that is still strong enough to beat your enemies. An E Tier list is good for you if you’re a beginner because it offers more experience and can help you earn a high level.


The Idle Heroes Tier List is a great way to pick up the best characters and improve your performance in the game. This list is a must-have before starting any game, as it will help you determine who to play with. The list will also help you select teammates for your team, and they will be more effective if you pick the right ones. These tips help you choose the correct characters for your team and have the most fun!

You can find the Idle Heroes tier list by visiting the channel of a max jump. Just remember that the list is just a general idea, and there are always opinions that differ from person to person. To get connected with other players, you can check the link in the bio box below! You can chat with other Idle Heroes players and learn more about the game.

If you’re looking for a great tank character, you should check out UniMax-3000, a character from the Fortress faction. With high healing and defensive stats, he is an excellent choice for PvP. The best part of this character is that it can also use items such as Iron Whirlwind, which has a 50% chance of taunting enemies. This makes it one of the best characters on the Idle Heroes tier list.

The S Tier List is the most substantial character list in the video game. This list features characters that can survive any situation. They will do more damage than Tier List S characters and help you win the video game with your team. Choose a Tier List D character if you want to play a more balanced game. It is excellent for new players and will help you win more games.

